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What is CFD ?

CFD stands for Computational Fluid Dynamics. It is a cutting-edge engineering tool used to simulate and analyze fluid flow in various applications. It emerges from the field of fluid mechanics and stands as a modern solution that employs advanced numerical techniques and high-performance computing to solve complex fluid dynamics problems.

How CFD Works ?

In essence, CFD operates by segmenting a fluid domain, such as air or water, into a grid (also called mesh) consisting of discrete elements, often referred to as computational cells. The governing equations that dictate the behavior of fluids, notably the Navier-Stokes equations, are subsequently solved numerically for each of these computational cells. These equations take into account critical parameters such as fluid velocity, pressure and turbulence.

Through calculation on data points within the mesh, CFD software generates a comprehensive and detailed representation of how the fluid behaves within the defined spatial domain.

This computational approach enables engineers and scientists to gain a better understanding of complex fluid phenomena, including the intricate patterns of flow, pressure distributions and the interaction between various fluid components. Consequently, CFD serves as an invaluable tool for assessing the performance of various systems and structures subjected to fluid dynamics, offering insights that were once unattainable through traditional experimental means.

Why do you need CFD ?

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) addresses diverse needs across various industries.

If you need to optimize a product involving fluid dynamics, such as improving the aerodynamics of an aircraft wing to reduce fuel consumption or enhancing the performance of an automotive engine for better fuel efficiency,  CFD expertise is essential.

Additionally, for projects involving renewable energy, like designing more efficient wind or tidal turbines to harness clean energy efficiently, CFD simulations provide invaluable insights.

If you're an architect or urban planner, understanding how the buildings you design will affect air circulation in a city can be pivotal for creating comfortable, sustainable urban environments that prioritize well-being and energy efficiency.

From enhancing product design to shaping more sustainable cities and improving industrial processes, CFD plays a vital role in achieving engineering excellence and delivering environmentally responsible solutions.

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